Should You Use Multiple Recruiters to Increase Your Chances of Finding the Right Candidate?
This seems like a no-brainer, right? Obviously, spreading a wider net seems like the solution to finding the needle in the haystack. The problem here is that you’re not looking for a shiny needle among a pile of hay – you’re looking for a special needle in a pile of needles. A thousand people searching might not be the right strategy. Are these people qualified to find the needle you want? Will they give it the same level of importance and care you would? Are they looking for other needles at the same time, splitting their attention? Wouldn’t you rather use a trusted and experienced specialist that is committed to finding you the one needle you’re looking for? Seeking qualified job candidates can often seem like a crapshoot, and this is an understandably unnerving position for business owners and hiring managers to find themselves in. Employees are an investment. It takes time and money to find qualified candidates, hire and train them, and integrate them i...